

Explore the common problems of pudding

As a popular dessert, pudding is often loved by people. However, there are also some common problems encountered during the production and tasting process. First of all, let us understand the taste of pudding. Some people report that the pudding is too greasy, which may be due to the use of too much cream or egg yolk. The solution to this problem is to reduce the amount of cream or egg yolk in the raw materials to maintain a moderate taste. In addition, sometimes pudding due to poor solidification and soft, may be the production process is not strictly in accordance with the formula requirements. Pay attention to the measurement of raw materials and time to master is the key to solve this problem.
Secondly, let's look at the problems that can arise when preserving puddings. After the pudding is made, it should be properly cooled and stored in the refrigerator. However, it is sometimes found that water droplets appear on the surface of the pudding, which may be caused by incomplete cooling during the production process. In this case, the pudding can be taken out again and stored in the refrigerator after it is completely cooled.
In general, most of the problems encountered when making and tasting puddings can be solved by carefully following the formula, mastering the production skills and proper preservation. I hope the solution provided in this article will help readers enjoy this delicious dessert better.
